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Maximizing value in corporate IP monetization

May 13, 202412:00PM EDT | 5:00PM BST


Burford hosted a panel of experts who shared insights drawn from working with companies with signiciant intellectual property that have monetized their patent portfolios. Watch the recorded webcast using the form to the right.

More businesses are embracing a shift led by name-brand corporations to monetize their patents. This makes sense: As businesses are looking for new sources of value in an era of economic turbulence, an IP department can become a revenue-generator.  

In this webcast, our panel of experts shared insights and best practices drawn from working with companies with significant intellectual property that have monetized their patent portfolios. We explored the range of options available, from direct monetization to indirect monetization, through which the company divests the patents to a buyer that will either hold or further monetize the patents, and the role of legal finance in any monetization strategy. 

The discussion offered valuable insights for legal professionals, business leaders and IP stakeholders, including: 

  • Understanding IP monetization options available to businesses 

  • Crafting an optimal monetization strategy  

  • The sophistication of financial structures currently available  


Learn how Burford helps businesses extract value from their IP


Chris Freeman Burford

Christopher Freeman
Director, Burford Capital

Christopher Freeman is a Director with responsibility for assessing and underwriting legal risk as part of Burford’s patent group..

See full bio

Katharine Wolanyk

Katharine Wolanyk
Managing Director, Burford Capital

Katharine Wolanyk is a Managing Director with responsibility for leading Burford’s award-winning intellectual property and patent litigation finance business. The former head of Burford’s Chicago office, Ms. Wolanyk is based in Phoenix, Arizona.

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